LEAP Bridge Concrete Help

What's New in LEAP Bridge Concrete

LEAP Bridge Concrete is a consolidated version of LEAP Bridge Enterprise, plus all LEAP standalone products including CONSPAN, CONBOX, RC-PIER, and GEOMATH. In addition, CONSPLICE is also included as an add-on tool. The following new features have also been added to LEAP Bridge Concrete.

Although there are a few changes in LEAP Bridge Concrete, the main routine of modeling, analyzing, and designing bridges remain unchanged as the LEAP Bridge Enterprise as well as the standalone LEAP products. All existing LEAP users should feel comfortable to use LEAP Bridge Concrete.

  • A true one package for everyday concrete bridge design
    Brand names of LEAP Bridge standalone products were replaced by more generic module names. Those modules are:
    • Main module
    • Precast/Prestressed Girder
    • CIP RC/PT Girder
    • Substructure
    • Bridge Parametric Layout
  • One new file type

    When a file running in LEAP Bridge Concrete is saved, only one file type (*.lbc) is supported.

  • Compatible with old LEAP files

    LEAP Bridge Concrete can open any existing LEAP file (file formats such as *.xml, *.csl, *.cbx, *.rcp, and *.gmd)

  • New routine to open/save project files

    You must open a new or existing file in the main module of LEAP Bridge Concrete. However, you may save the files either in the main or in superstructure/substructure modules depending on the specific information the bridge model has. If it is for a full bridge, the file should be saved in the main module. If it is for superstructure or substructure only, it should be saved in the corresponding module.

  • One add-on tool

    Spliced Girder design tool (previously named LEAP CONSPLICE) is now included in LEAP Bridge Concrete. LEAP Bridge Concrete only offers a connection to the tool. There is no project data exchange between the main module and the Spliced Girder design tool.

  • File sharing and management in ProjectWise

    All old and new types of LEAP Bridge files are able to be shared and managed in ProjectWise thru LEAP Bridge Concrete.

  • Connected to Bentley OpenBridge Modeler

    Concrete bridge models created by the OpenBridge Modeler —which is able to create parametric, intelligent, and interoperable 3D bridges— can be brought into LEAP Bridge Concrete for analysis and design.